Friday, September 05, 2008

Frost Park Chalk-Off XXII

I participated in my second Frost Park Chalk-Off today. In case you missed it, and you probably did since I didn't post about it, I first participated two weeks go during Episode XX

Love/253 - Frost Park Chalk-Off XX

That original piece was based on the Pop-Art style of Andy Warhol, the pop-art "Love Sculputure" by Robert Indiana, and The "Loyalty 253" designed by Daniel Blue.

This week I tried something different. The idea came from an old PBS program called "The Secret City" hosted by "Commander" Mark Kistler. Every week at the end of the show Commander MArk would tell his viewers to remember to "Draw! Draw! Draw!", "Keep Drawing", and "Practice Every Day!" I really enjoyed that show, and through the different discussions about Frost Park, so did some of the other Chalkies. So I payed homage to Commader Mark today by turning Tacoma into it's own "Secret City".

I want to especially thank "Darkain" for the awesome pictures he took this week. He was a really nice guy and I had te chance to chat with him a bit on the Light Rail after the event. He took some fantastic details of my work this week, which actually made me feel a lot better about it in the end.

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