When we were looking at houses a few months ago and we walked into the backyard of our current house, I squinted through the trees and said, "Hey I thinks that's [so-and-so]'s house!"
Turns out it is, and they have a young lad a few years older than my boy. They've since become best buddies. The issue is this very steep hill between our yard and theirs.
So, I was out doing some yard work one day and asked the neighbor behind if he knew where the property line was, which he indicated by spraying his garden hose in the general direction of a little peak of cement. "Pretty sure that's the corner" he said. "OK"
So this weekend, I went back on said hill with a shovel and dug me some stairs... then on Sunday I dug me some stairs and I have a feeling for the next several days will involve digging the stairs some more... I feel like I've stepped into an Escher Painting. But so far I am happy with how things are progressing and the physical labor is good for me... or so I keep telling myself.
Well done, you. It looks great and required many necessary trips to church...I mean home depot.
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