Wednesday, August 06, 2008

HAL 9000: Sounder Conductor

It's probably been more than a year since Sound Transit began using the automated conductor to make announcements aboard the train. Those of us who have ridden the train for a while have dubbed the automated computer voice "HAL".

What we've been learning lately is that HAL has a much more extensive vocabulary than the standard announcements. Usually we are greated in the morning and afternoon with such gems like:
  • The train to Seattle will depart in [five] minutes.
  • Doors Closing

It's beautiful, it really is. Especially with a dramatic pause between each word.

So what have been some of the new things HAL has been telling us? Well, it's only in Tacoma and I'm pretty sure only on the 6:45 AM departure:

  • Never take shortcuts across the tracks
  • Riders without valid fare are subject to citation and fines
  • Please, don't take chances
  • Please remain calm
  • Thank you, and have a safe day

Thanks HAL! He has more, but this is the wisdom he imparted on us today, I'll let you know when we learn more.

1 comment:

Kristina McKeown said...
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